According to astrologers and prophets, next year at the Yellow Metal Tiger will not be easy. Nostradamus predictions analysts talk about a virgin whose mysterious death is desired about a leader "ruthless and bloodthirsty, who will lead the" sword and fire.
Pavel Globa, a Russian astrologer famous, believes that 2010 will be an easy year for Russia, but Europe and the U.S. should expect an economic downturn even more pronounced.
Pavel Globa, a Russian astrologer famous, believes that 2010 will be an easy year for Russia, but Europe and the U.S. should expect an economic downturn even more pronounced.
Researchers believe that the writings of Nostradamus predictions for proper next year are found in the quatrain in which the tenth of the tenth belt.
The passage mentions, besides virgin mysterious leader and bringer of destruction, and "Ark of the anger of Satan" and the analysts she think this might refer to a ballistic missile.
The passage mentions, besides virgin mysterious leader and bringer of destruction, and "Ark of the anger of Satan" and the analysts she think this might refer to a ballistic missile.
Famous specialists in the study's belt Nostradamus think of it as catrenes announces the following events for 2010:
- Start of the possible Third World War in November, in which bacteriological and chemical weapons would be employed
- There will be conflicts between European and U.S. West
- Isca be a conflict between Britain and France
- There is the possibility of an armed military conflict in Crimea.
- Europe will suffer an economic nose dive
- Black Sea will be a disaster, involving hydrogen sulphide.
No economic crisis will not pass. Some of the most famous astrologers predicted that economic problems will worsen in 2010 and many large companies will declare bankruptcy.
- Start of the possible Third World War in November, in which bacteriological and chemical weapons would be employed
- There will be conflicts between European and U.S. West
- Isca be a conflict between Britain and France
- There is the possibility of an armed military conflict in Crimea.
- Europe will suffer an economic nose dive
- Black Sea will be a disaster, involving hydrogen sulphide.
No economic crisis will not pass. Some of the most famous astrologers predicted that economic problems will worsen in 2010 and many large companies will declare bankruptcy.
This will lead to famine, ethnic and religious conflicts and environmental problems.
Global warming will damage crops and massive armed conflict is possible in Central Asia.
Russia will be affected by a wave of earthquakes, one of which will destroy a huge building.
Many cataclysms will occur and the United States. On November 11, 2010, will have triggered a war between two big countries, and only those who will hide in the East or the Caucasus will survive.
Four kings are catch in such a battle broke out and the third war of the world, say the interpreters mysterious quatrains.