
Animals of Galapagos, about extinction

Unique species of animals living in the Galapagos Islands, such as penguins, seals, iguana and birds that inoata not fly, are threatened because of climate change.
Animals and plants in this area could be faced with numerous threats due to the emergence of new species of animals that have changed because of habitat or climate changes because of the emergence of new diseases, to decline the amount of food and water to increase . "If we want unique biodiversity of the Galapagos in the future there will be a help to adapt to climate change," said Emily Pidgeon, from Conservation International, who organized the workshop on the impact of global warming on biodiversity in the Pacific Islands . Galapagos Islands, located about 1000 kilometers away from the coast of South America, are volcanic islands, and home to many species of animals. One of the most affected foca with fur, which may be endangered if the number of fish declines, these are the main source of food. Of Galapagos penguins could be forced to find new places in which to forbid the predators, because they need space in which to lay eggs and defend itself and the sun. And recifele of corals are in danger, being affected by climate change and acid rain, while heating water fishes in the Pacific cause to change their habitat north towards Galapagos archipelago. Iguanele of Galapagos could face the death penalty, while the cormorant may face floods that destroy nests.

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