
"The lamp flower" from Philips - the new concept of street lighting

The concept developed by Philips has the advantage of collecting solar energy and wind. At night, the light shines not when anyone's around and when strong lighting detects motion.

The design of lighting solutions stad of urban areas is a challenge for urban managers. Too much light results in light pollution - not just blurred but admirarea stars involved in normal development cycle of plants and animals. On the other hand, too little light falls safe districts. One solution is this new concept called "Light Blossom," designed by Philips Electronics. This is a smart LED system that provides near different lighting intensity and can eliminate the usual electricity network and is an energy efficient device. As throughout the day, the device operates like a flower opening its "petals" to collect solar energy and shift them according to their position, so either "front" to it and achieve maximum efficiency (such as sunflower) . During cloud with strong winds, automatically raise their petals in a position that allows the capture of wind energy. As spinning, petals of a transfer motion impeller incorporated which will turn into energy. Lamp flower continuously change the power source depending on weather conditions and it shows the flow of energy collected by a decor of any visible trunk past. At sunset, the device is activated automatically iluminand around. Philips claims that it minimizes light pollution and light only when motion detection is the move from stand-by at high intensity. Philips also said that ledurile of energy efficient lamps use only half the energy used by traditional street lamps to produce the same light intensity. Since the network does not require electricity, can be installed in rural areas without infrastructure investment. In urban areas can even send the excess energy generated by classical electrical infrastructure which it transforms more haste in producing energy than the consumer. Philips concept inaugurated in October in the Philips Simplicity Event event which took place in Moscow.

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