Were recently presented several projects related to an air conditioner more efficient and environmentally friendly than those usual found in people homes.Nowadays this project was launched on the new air conditioning system market.This system does not require a large amount of water to adjust the air temperature and composition in our homes and also uses solar panels to work.Is named Chromas.
This system uses photovoltaic and termal cells that retain solar energy for heating process.Usual solar cells used in most of our homes retain only 24% light transmitted by the sun to those cells that reach up to 76% solar energy storage capacity.Heating water is also much easier because solar panels that are attached and also because some tubes of oil heated by the sun at a temperature of 230 Celsius degrees.
Those special solar panels uses 90 percent less energy for heating water or to adjust the air in the room after your wish.Now, this solar air conditioning wich work on solar panels is only a prototype but at the beginning of next year will be accessible to all who will need it.
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I love the idea of the solar power working its way into the cooling aria...I have use for something like this and would love to see it on the market soon.