In Solar Panels field,science get bigger rank once with the passage of time and today appeared pressurized solar panels, which are based on the newest technology in this domain.This pressurized solar panels can generate electricity for free, and a big advantage of these systems is that cause they use diffuse and direct radiation converting them into electric or thermal energy.This kind of solar panels consist: borsilicat tubes with thick walls (like a thermos) and the copper pipe in which solar energy is transformed into thermal energy.Those systems are easily used in many fields and have the advantage of small size compared to other devices used by now.All this device is monitored by a computer which controls and maintains the optimum temperature for proper functioning of our solar system.Advantages: the energy is free, each square meter of solar panel reduced 850 cubic meters of gas per year, costs 0; best quality-price, not pollute the environment, is easy to install and does not require stringent care.
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